Thursday, May 15, 2008


These blogs; ladyinpublic, cookinkitchen, and whoreinprivate, were created to share and enjoy the many interesting and diverse ‘personalities’ all of us women have within us.
They came from a saying my grandmother used to tell me “Be a lady in public, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. But don’t get them messed up like so many women do!”
As I have wondered through life I have seen, and made many of these mistakes, the price paid or involved may take years to be felt. I want to make every effort I can for women everywhere to enjoy the wonderful ‘roles’ we get to fulfill (along with all those terrific shoes!) and live the best life they can to achieved the greatest potential for themselves, and to truly enjoy being a ‘girl.’
We will include ‘sexy’ recipes, hair, fashion, etiquette tips, and yes indeed on the one blog share wild and wonderful ‘sexy’ ideas to get in touch with our sexy side. No matter if you are 20 or 60- or even older my wish is for all women to embrace being female and all the luxuries that go along with that.
There may also be interesting discussions on health, sex, food, décor, fashion, etiquette, manners and life in general.
One of the saddest things I have seen in my life is women not supporting each other – does it really matter if the ‘other’ women is taller, shorter, fatter, richer or poorer then you? You have the obligation to be the best you can be and to support not sabotage other women. That is what we will do here- no slander, grouchy or negativity here- there are other sites for that- here we will embrace and encourage our sisters to live to their full potential- and enjoy being a ‘woman with style, class and heart!’

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